
Symposium #6

Spine Disability

Subject overview

It is estimated that more than 1 billion people are disabled globally. Spine pain i.e. low back pain and neck pain are among the most common reasons for disability. In fact, low back pain is the leading cause of Years Lived with Disability (YLDs) in the world.
The cost of low back pain disability alone reaches up to 6% of GDP in some countries.
Women, the elderly and low-income populations are the most affected, thus, it is urgent for governments to mitigate the increasing burden of spine disability on health, the economy, and our social security systems and by developing policies to prevent its development and reduce its human and economic burden.

Symposium Objective

This symposium aims to increase the understanding of the enormous global burden of disability related to spine disorders. We will demonstrate its impact from a medical, a biopsychosocial and environmental perspectives. Specifically, we will show how it impacts the health of our populations, our economies, and the productivity of our workforces.
The symposium will consider all age groups. Children and adolescents, the active working population, and the growing elderly population.
The symposium will provide recommendations from the SPINE20 group for the prevention of spine disability.

Topics Highlights

The symposium will present the concept of disability and loss of function as per The World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendations. The presentations will answer the following questions.
» What does it mean to have a spine ailment and being disabled ?
» Evidence examples why the community and government should care.
» Why it must be a priority to prevent spine disability in children and adolescents, the adult , and the elderly populations.
» The symposium will provide facts and examples of approaches, successful interventions, and policies to reduce the burden of spine disability.
» The symposium will give recommendations for action at government and World Organization levels.