
Symposium #5


Subject overview

Achieving effectiveness in spine care is a complicated effort.  Optimal spine care occurs when there are multiple specialties working together to find the most effective and efficient care for any given patient.  By utilizing the various training and experience of multiple professionals, patients and the society are the ultimate benefactors. 


Symposium Objective

This symposium aims to demonstrate the value of bringing an interdisciplinary workforce for spine patients. The objectives are to: understand how screening can identify at risk individuals so that potential spine problems can be prevented or minimized; how the workplace can be assessed to recommend changes that will lead to healthier workers; and examine how the team approach to spine care can lead to optimal outcomes for patients while lowering costs.


Topics Highlights
  1. Screening can be used to identify deformities (Scoliosis, Kyphosis) in pediatric populations
  2. Workplace interventions and recommendations
  3. Team-based approach can provide cost-effective and evidence-based care
  4. How to sustain quality spine care in limited resource countries



Fahad Alhelal
Saudi Arabia

Massimo Balsano

William Sullivan


10.15 – 10.20

Introduction and purpose of symposium

Massimo Balsano, Italy

10.20 – 10.30

International screening for Spine deformity

Massimo Balsano, Italy

10.30 – 10.40

Spine Care in workplaces

Fahad Alhelal, Saudi Arabia

10.40 – 10.50

Achieving Effectiveness though a multidisciplinary approach to Spine Care

Edward Dohring, USA

10.50 – 11.00

Teaching non-surgical Spine care in limited resource countries

William Sullivan, USA

11.00 – 11.45

Panel discussion/Q &A