
The Italian Spine Society (SICV&GIS), organising society of SPINE20, for the side event of G20 Rome 2021 “Planet, People, Prosperity”, would like to thank all the Sponsors. With their generous support, they made possible the organisation of such a prestigious event, important for the prevention of painful and disabling spinal pathologies



  • Click here to download the Company Profile
  • Click here to download the Airo® TruCT® Mesa® 2 Deformity Complex made simple brochure
  • Click here to download the Airo® TruCT® e Spine Cervical 360 Prestazioni al Massimo brochure
  • Click here to download “Un portfolio completo per specialisti in chirurgia spinale”

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Gold Sponsor

Company Profile

Johnson & Johnson Medical SpA è una società del Gruppo Johnson & Johnson attiva nella distribuzione e commercializzazione dei dispositivi medici.

La Società, con sede legale a Pomezia (Roma) è stata costituita in Italia il 1° novembre 2004 dall’incorporazione di aziende preesistenti. Oggi, con oltre 800 dipendenti, l’azienda è organizzata in Divisioni – Ethicon, DePuy Synthes, Biosense Webster, CERENOVUS, Mentor e Vision Care – capaci di offrire soluzioni a 360 gradi di presidi, dispositivi e strumenti biomedicali. Ogni divisione è specializzata in una particolare area medicale – come chirurgia generale, ortopedia, cardiologia interventistica, cura della vista –  nella quale si propone come realtà di riferimento in termini di ricerca e capacità di innovazione, in linea con le aspettative e le necessità di chi “vive” la sala operatoria.

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsors

Company Profile

Globus Medical, a leading musculoskeletal solutions company, is driving significant technological advancements across a complete suite of products ranging from spinal, trauma and orthopedics therapies to imaging, navigation and robotics. Founded in 2003, Globus has become one of the fastest growing companies in the history of orthopedics. Globus is driven to utilize superior engineering and technology to achieve pain free, active lives for all patients with musculoskeletal disorders.

Additional information can be accessed at https://www.globusmedical.com/international/ devices for export to the U.S.A.

Company Profile
IGEA, founded in 1980, is committed to research in the area of clinical biophysics, i.e. the study of the interaction between physical energy and living cells and tissues, for the purpose of developing innovative and effective tools used in medicine for preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. IGEA’s innovative products are developed on solid scientific and technological bases, in close collaboration with academic and private research centres in Europe and in the U.S.A. All products are designed to provide health care operators with easy-to-use instruments for immediate useful application. IGEA quality system complies with the standard ISO 13485:2016 for design, manufacturing servicing and rental of medical devices that use non-ioniziong radiation for therapeutic and diagnostic purpose (Certificate CSQ n°9124.IGE2). The establishment has been released by the FDA for the manufacture of medical devices for export to the U.S.A.
  • Click here to download the The Tether TM Vertebral Body Tethering System brochure


Company Profile

MEDTRONIC è una azienda che fornisce tecnologie e terapie innovative contribuendo al miglioramento dei risultati clinici, facendo la differenza per le persone e per i sistemi sanitari che affrontano oggi le sfide più impegnative – quali l’aumento dei costi sanitari, l’invecchiamento della popolazione e il carico assistenziale delle malattie croniche. E’ una azienda che pone una completa attenzione al paziente con l’obiettivo di allungare la vita, contribuendo al benessere dell’umanità.